Information Section
There is also a version of this template with a frames layout. Following steps describe how to get to the frames layout:
  1. Select the object PageControl1, copy it into the clipboard (Ctrl-C) and delete it (select "Yes" if a confirmation dialog appears; this is due to that the links on the left side still reference the pages which will be deleted).
  2. Select Panel5, go to the Pos tab and decrease the height to be included in the parent object index without scrolling. Check Bottom parent edge; this will adjust the height of the object to the height of the browser window.
  3. Select Panel5 and add a new Page object from the palette via drag&drop and name it Page2. Position it under the Welcome message and again check Bottom parent edge in the Pos tab. Now paste the objects from the clipboard into it (Ctrl-V). Position the currently visible page withing Page2 to the coordinates (0,0), all other hidden alternative pages are set to the same position.
  4. Finally select the object index and set Show Scrollbars to no. We don't need scrollbars here since the contents is scrolled within object Page2.